Seminar on Family Therapy and Health 
社會科學院  社會工作學研究所  
330 M3110 
Ceiba 課程網頁

This course is designed to enable students to move beyond their basic understandings of the complex relationships between health, illness and families. It offers students a family systems framework in working with the impact of health problems on patients and families. Its special focus will be on understanding that all health and relationship problems have biological, psychological, and social natures. Students are encouraged to examine their family-of-origin experiences in relating to health and illness. 

1.To develop an in-depth understanding of the field of medical family therapy
2.To address the inevitable emotions associated with the experience of patients and families
3.To discover students’ own story of illness and meaning
4.To learn a template for helping families enhance their relationships with one another and the health care team
5.To integrate medical family therapy into the life cycle
6.To examine case examples in consolidating the appreciation for medical family therapy
1.Punctuality, attendance, and active participation are expected.
2.Students are required to read assigned readings. While reading, please raise at least 2 discussion questions in order to fully engage in the in-class discussion.
3.Leading discussion: Students take turns leading in-class discussions. Suggested focus of the required readings:
~ “The soul of a doctor”: the complexity of emotions and personal challenges in caring for the ill (溝通;同理心;放鬆、承受和失落;尋找更好的方法).

~ “The shared experience of illness (愛的功課)” and case examples: the challenges of individuals and the family(個人及家庭所面臨的挑戰), goals of the therapy(治療目標), challenges and growth of the therapist (治療者的成長與挑戰), key concepts(主要概念).
4.“The self of the therapist” presentation: Examine and reflect upon the following aspects: tolerance for uncertainty and loss, family-of-origin health beliefs, illness experiences, personal and current family illness experiences.
5.“Illness experience interview” or “the self of the therapist” term paper:
“Illness experience interview” term paper: Interview a person with a chronic illness that has great impact on his/her life. Using concepts taught in the class to analyze his/her illness experiences.
“The self of the therapist” term paper: Expand and enrich the content of your “The self of the therapist” presentation.
6.Reflection and course evaluation: At the end of the term paper, please write a). The reflection of how the course contribute to your insights of “family therapy and health” and your personal health and illness experiences; b). The course evaluation to describe your likes, dislikes, gains, and suggestions to this course content and design. The due date of the paper is on May 29.
Office Hours
1熊秉荃 (2012)。遇見癌症,再譜生命樂章。健康世界, 316, 38-39.
2熊秉荃 (2012)。癌症患者及家屬的心理社會服務之我思我見。健康世界, 324, 49-55.
3洪偉凱 (2012)。多倫多,CALM癌症心理治療之我見 (1)。健康世界, 320, 59-62.
4洪偉凱 (2012)。多倫多,CALM癌症心理治療之我見 (2)。健康世界, 323, 67-70.
5洪偉凱 (2013)。多倫多,CALM癌症心理治療之我見 (3)。健康世界, 327, 29-34.
6熊秉荃 (2013)。腫瘤社會工作及CALM心理治療。健康世界, 325, 24-28.
7吳明富 (2012)。貼心照護:相伴抗癌路。健康世界, 316, 40-43.
8吳明富 (2012)。活在當下:與乳癌病友進行藝術治療。健康世界, 324, 80-82.
9吳明富 (2013)。病中蛻變:與心田中的雜草共生共榮。健康世界, 326, 20-22.
10洪偉凱 (2012)。心理健康與癌症:認知治療幫助癌友紓壓解勞。健康世界, 317, 20-22.
11高尚美 (2012)。面對失眠 從「心」改變。健康世界, 318, 67-72.
12熊秉荃 (2012)。癌症身心介入措施與瑜珈。健康世界, 323, 16-17.
13賴念華 (2012)。罹癌家庭的心靈照護。健康世界, 318, 27-30.
14胡君梅 (2012)。輔助醫療的新方案:正念減壓團體訓練課程。健康世界, 323, 21-25.
15熊秉荃, 胡君梅, & 吳毓瑩 (2013) 。正念減壓課程與癌症。臺灣心理治療學會電子報。
16胡君梅 (2012)。正念如何減壓。健康世界, 324, 58-62.
17胡君梅 (2013)。正念減壓的學習梗要。健康世界, 325, 66-69.
18胡君梅 (2013)。正念減壓的學習體驗分享(一)。健康世界, 326, 63-67.
19胡君梅 (2013)。正念減壓的學習體驗分享(二)。健康世界, 327, 70-73.
20胡君梅 (2013)。正念減壓的學習體驗分享(三)。健康世界, 328, 60-64.
21胡君梅 (2013)。正念介入的效用。諮商與輔導, 327(3), 7-11.
22卓佳蓉、胡君梅 (2013)。佳蓉的故事。健康世界, 329, 53-57.
23胡君梅 (2013)。《是情緒糟,不是你糟:穿透憂鬱的內觀力量》閱讀心得之一。 健康世界, 330, 75-79.
24胡君梅 (2013)。《是情緒糟,不是你糟:穿透憂鬱的內觀力量》閱讀心得之二。 健康世界, 332, 79-82.
25胡君梅、吳毓瑩 (2013)。正念減壓 (MBSR) 團體性質之探究 對照於團體治療/團體諮商。應用心理研究, 58, 233-250.
26胡君梅 (2013)。禪七經驗談。健康世界, 333, 79-82.
27熊秉荃 (2013)。乳癌患者睡眠品質及正念減壓課程。健康世界, 334, 31-33.
28吳明富 (2010)。從藝術治療圖畫診斷分析到美感同理歷程的省思:以開放畫室個案探究為例。台灣藝術治療學刊, 2(1), 1-17.
29吳明富 (2010)。從藝術心理治療到藝術育療。國教新知, 57(3), 117-130.
30吳明富 (2012)。兒童醫事藝術治療。健康世界, 319, 52-54.
31吳明富 (2012)。遊戲和藝術治療在兒童醫院的運用。健康世界, 321, 65-68.

a. McDaniel, S. H., Doherty, W. J. & Hepworth, J. (2014). Medical family therapy and integrated care. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
b. Pories, S., Jain, S. H., & Harper, G. (2006). The soul of a doctor: Harvard medical students face life and death. 何敏綺譯 (2008).哈佛醫學院沒教的事,台北市:健行文化。
c. McDaniel, S. H., Hepworth, J.與Doherty, W. J. (1997). The shared experience of illness: Stories of patients, families, and their therapists. 楊淑智、魯宓譯 (2003).愛的功課:治療師、病人與家屬的故事◦台北市:心靈工坊◦
d. Brownlee, K., Vis, J., & McKenna, A. (2009). Review of the reflecting team process: Strengths, challenges, and clinical implications. The Family Journal, 17, 139-145.
e. Seaburn, D. B. (2001). Her right foot: Pain, integration, and the biopsychosocial model. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 309-316). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
f. Simoneau, T. L. & Aronson, S. G. (20010). Integrating psychiatric illness into healthy family functioning: The family psychoeducational treatment of a patient with bipolar disorder. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 359-372). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
g. Kazak, A. E. (2001). "We're at the breaking point": Family distress and competence in serious childhood illness. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 287-298). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
h. Todd, T. C. (2001). A sneaky teenager with diabetes in context: Stretching Minuchin's psychosomatic model. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 299-308). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
i. Hepworth, J. (2001). Honoring the integration of mind and body: A patient with chronic pain. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 317-322). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
j. Moltz, D. A. (2001). From three languages to one: Integrating individual, family, and biological perspectives in the treatment of affective disorders. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 349-358). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
k. 香港大學行為健康教研中心http://cbh.hku.hk/
l. 生命美善計畫 http://enable.hku.hk/enable/tch/main/main.aspx
m. The last 15 minutes https://www.facebook.com/jimmyforeverfans/videos/1331024703674796/
n. McDaniel, S. H., Harkness, J. L., & Epstein, R. M. (2001). Differentiation before death: Medical family therapy for a woman with end-stage Crohn's disease and her son. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 323-336). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
o. Bor, R. & Miller, R. (2001). HIV/AIDS, families, and the wider caregiving system. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 323-336). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
p. Kaslow, N. J. & Aron, S. G. (2001). The consequences of caring: Mutual healing of family and therapists following a suicide. In S. H. McDaniel, D. Lusterman, & C. L. Philpot (eds.), Casebook for integrating family therapy: An ecosystemic approach (pp. 373-386). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Recommended readings:
Medical family therapy

華人心理治療研究發展基金會 http://www.tip.org.tw/

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李玉嬋 (2008)。醫療諮商概論。台北:天馬文化。
江佳龍 (2011)。人生最後一次相聚:禮儀師從1000場告別式中看見的25件事。臺北市:春光出版。
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韋至信 (2003)。醫生也醫死。台北:文經社。
韋至信、彭月枝 (2008)。那一天我們去看你:人生最後旅程的31篇真情紀事。新竹市:衛生署新竹醫院。
韋至信暨7C病房團隊 (2013)。磐石中的活水:安寧照顧實戰案例彙編。臺中市:白象文化。
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陳秀丹 (2011)。向殘酷的仁慈說再見:一位加護病房醫師的善終宣言。臺北市 : 三采文化。
陳坤虎 (2009)。漸漸懂了你的心:安寧陪伴入門20課。臺北市 : 張老師文化。
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張明志 (2008)。安寧的藝術:在生命暗處點燈. 台北市:天下雜誌。
郭強生 (2006)。就是捨不得。臺北市:九歌。
陳金興 (2010)。臺灣另類牧師。醫師:謝緯。臺北市:草根。
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1. How to do a fifteen-minute (or less) family interview (VV) WY100.4 H8471 2000
2. Calgary family assessment model: how to apply in clinical practice (VV) WY100.4 C151 2000
3. Family nursing interviewing skills: how to engage, assess, intervene, and terminate with families (VV) WY159.5 F1982 2002
4. How to intervene with families with health concerns (VV) WY159.5 W9471 2003
5. Coping with family crisis. Addictions, financial distress, illness, and death
(VV) HQ734 C61z 2008 (54 min)
6. 生命最後一個月の花嫁 (VV) 987.83 0044-1 (約130分) 乳癌患者及家人。
7. 長路將盡 (VV) 987.83 4410-2 (約91分) 探討「阿茲海默症」。
8. Sea in the blood (VV) R726.8 S42 2000 (26 min.) AIDS
9. When the day comes: women as caregivers (VV) HV1451 W41z 1991 (28 min.)
10. My left breast (VC) RC280.B8 M95 2000 (57 min.) 乳癌患者及家人
11. 愛的代價: 哀傷輔導 (VV) 419.825 6022 2008 disc9 (約25分) 緩和醫療臨終關櫰
12. 永失我愛 (VD) 987.83 1087-4 disc1 & 2 (約91分) 「肌無力性疾病」
14. 2002好死不如賴活着 = To live is better than to die [錄影資料] / 陳為軍導演。香港 : 香港中文大學中國研究服務中心代理(VV) 987.81 7523 (約80分) 第63屆美國廣播電視文化成就獎(Peabody Award)
15. 生之慾 = 生きる=. To live (2004) / 黑澤明,橋本忍,小囯英雄編劇 ; 黑澤明導演. 本木莊二郎製片。台北市 : 龍鑽影視傳播。(VV) 987.83 6036-4 (約141分)。一九五四年柏林影展銀熊獎。
16. 健保真要命 = Sicko (2007)。 麥可摩爾(Michael Moore)導演 ; Meghan O'Hara, 麥可摩爾(Michael Moore)製作。(VV) 563.741 0010 (約123分) 鳳凰城影評人協會最佳紀錄片獎;美國電影電視剪接師協會最佳紀錄片剪輯獎;美國製片人協會最佳紀錄片獎;北美廣播影評人協會最佳紀錄片獎;芝加哥影評人協會最佳紀錄片獎;拉斯維加斯影評人協會最佳紀錄片獎;金衛星獎最佳紀錄片獎。

Critical evaluation 
Reflection of the conference attendance 
Self of the therapist presentation 
Term paper 
2/27  Introduction 
3/06  Family systems interventions in health care systems 
3/13  An overview of medical family therapy
The shared emotional themes of illness 
3/20  The self of the medical family therapist 
3/27  Clinical strategies for medical family therapy 
4/03  溫書假 
4/10  臨床實務工作者的養成歷程 
4/17  Couples and illness 
4/24  Her right foot: Pain, integration, and the biopsychosocial model
Integrating psychiatric illness into healthy family functioning 
5/01  Medical family therapy with children 
5/08  "We're at the breaking point": Family distress and competence in serious childhood illness
A sneaky teenager with diabetes in context: Stretching Minuchin's psychosomatic model 
5/15  家族治療師的養成歷程 
5/22  Somatizing patients and their families 
5/29  Honoring the integration of mind and body: A patient with chronic pain
From three languages to one: Integrating individual, family, and biological perspectives in the treatment of affective disorders 
6/05  精神心理健康實務工作者的養成歷程 
6/12  Caregiving, end of life care, and loss 
6/19  Differentiation before death: Medical family therapy for a woman with end-stage Crohn's disease and her son
HIV/AIDS, families, and the wider caregiving system
The consequences of caring: Mutual healing of family and therapists following a suicide 
06/26  The experience of genomic medicine: A new frontier 
6/02  台北馬偕醫院「與家庭工作」研討會 (9am-5pm)